车载电台极简主义业余无线电数模测评数字中继通信模式数字调制C4FM FDMA是YAESU为业余无线电爱好者设计的数字调制通信模式.YAESU公司在我国为了推广C4FM数字模式做了很多努力.在YAESU的特鄹支持下,C4FM制式中继台在国内业余无线电数字中继台领域中实际建设率达到第一,使国内更多HAM有机会感受新时代数字调制通信的魅力.聆听无...
极简主义数模两用车载电台——YAESU FTM-7250DR使用测评主要由聆听编写,在2018年被《无线电》收录,原文总共4页。
While the new FTM-7250DR is a solid and durable transceiver in keeping with Yaesu’s legendary mechanical toughness, it also incorporates new technology such as Automatic Mode Select (AMS), one of the most advanced features of System Fusion [C4FM]. The AMS mode instantly recognizes whether a ...
Yaesu FTM-7250DRC4FM / FM 50W 144 / 430MHz数字AMS收发信机 新款Yaesu FTM-7250DR是一款紧凑而坚固的C4FM / FM 144 / 430MHz双频50W收发信机,并提供来自Yaesu的System Fusion II平台的最新高级功能。 由于FTM-7250DR采用了配备Yaesu独家FACC(漏斗空气对流导体 - 风洞)的重型散热器,因此用户可以期待这款具有...
While the new FTM-3200DR is a solid and durable transceiver in keeping with Yaesu’s legendary mechanical toughness, it also incorporates new technology such as Automatic Mode Select (AMS), one of the most advanced features of System Fusion. The AMS mode instantly recognizes whether a transmissio...