Yaesu FTDX-10SPECIFICATIONSGENERAL Type: Amateur HF/VHF transceiver Frequency range: TX: 10-160 m + WARC and 60 m / 6 m (Also 4 m for Europe) RX: 0.03-75 MHz Tuning steps: 1 / 10 Hz (SSB/CW)10 / 100 Hz (AM/FM) Frequency stability: ±0.5 ppm @ 0 to 50°C (32 to 122...
As this short circuit has been on the power supply from new it cannot have been related to the new overload issues. As the internal op-amps which are responsible for the overcurrent protection and also the second stage of the voltage regulation are next to the 330-ohm resistor, we think...
enables you to hear signals that others are unable to hear. No need to worry about which power supply or external speaker to use as the FTDX101MP comes with a combined speaker/power supply combination. This matching set makes the FTDX101MP not only a high-quality radio but a picture of ...
Yaesu FTDX-101D 双模式传感器接收器说明书 HF/50/144MHz ALL MODE TRANSCEIVER
functions in ever-changing HEF Available selection items: comimunications without taking your “Transmit Power Output setting Band Stack Funection SD Memory Card Slot hand off the VFO. The ring has the *Monitor level setting 。DNR level setting traditional Yaesu outstanding Smooth The FTDx 101 ...
FTDX-10 Mic base has both connectors to use supplied reversible 8-pin modular to 8-pin round mic cable to mate with radio. FTdx-101D Mic base has both connectors to use supplied reversible 8-pin modular to 8-pin round mic cable to mate with radio. FTdx-101MP Mic base has both connec...
FTDX5000Series PACKETRTTYCAT USBport SuppliedRS-232CCable ConnectionCableSCU-21(option)SuppliedUSBCable 10SCU-17USBInterfaCeUnIt SystemSetup FTDX5000Series/CT-39/A FTDX5000Series CAT USBport PacketInterfaceCableCT-39/A(option)SuppliedUSBCable SuppliedRS-232CCable SCU-17DATAJackPin#CT-39CT-39A #1...
Yaesu FTDX-9000MP SPECIFICATIONS GENERAL Type:Amateur HF/VHF transceiver Frequency range:TX: 10-160 m + WARC / 50-54 MHz RX: 0.03-60 MHz Tuning steps:1 / 5 / 10 Hz (AM/SSB/CW) 10 / 100 Hz (FM) Frequency stability:±0.03 ppm @ -10 to +60°C (14 to 140°F), after 5 minu...
By using the new down conversion and sharp edged crystal roofing filter technology, the FTDX-3000 is positioned just under the bigger FTDX-5000. Besides the FTDX-5000, this is the only Yaesu transceiver with a band scope and full digital display. It is also the only other rig besides the ...
Previewed at the Dayton Hamvention® in May, 2004, the FTDX-9000 features unmatched close-in dynamic range, flexible selectivity choices due to its advanced 32-bit DSP filtering, a high-resolution TFT display, and high power: the 200-Watt "D" (Deluxe, fully equipped) and "Contest" (...