Today we are going to look at a radio that is part of our personal setup for short-range local communications,the dual-band Yaesu FT-65R. I personally use this radio – it’s actually sitting on my desk monitoring stations as I write this review – so everything in this review is com...
Add a review Add to my shack Login or Register to upload images Find Yaesu FT-209R rigs and spare parts on eBay Find the Yaesu FT-209R on Amazon The Yaesu FT-209R is a handheld VHF transceiver. It covers 144-146 MHz for both receive and transmit. The radio features Hi/Lo RF ...
PRODUCT REVIEW Yaesu FT-60R Dual-band Handheld Transceiver Reviewed by Dan Henderson, N1ND Contest Branch Manager Ready to replace the old handheld transceiver with one of the dual-band models? If so you'll want to check out the latest offering from Vertex Standard, the Yaesu FT-60R. This...
Add a review Add to my shack Login or Register to upload images Find Yaesu FT-209RH rigs and spare parts on eBay Find the Yaesu FT-209RH on Amazon The Yaesu FT-209R operates on 2 meters from 144-148 MHz with 2.5 watts (or up to 3.7 watts output with optional FNB-4). High/...