Yaesu FT-221R with no audio « on: September 08, 2016, 04:59:23 am »It'll take me some time to actually get to fixing this, but I'll start this thread so I've got somewhere to make notes as I go. Annoyingly I don't have any of my T&M gear with me where I'm living...
The FT-2900R provides a total of 221 memory channels, including 200 “regular” memories, ten pairs of band-limit memories, and an instant-recall “Home” channel you can dedicate to a frequently-used repeater or simplex frequency. Memories can store repeater shift information, CTCSS/DCS data...
The ruggedly builtYaesu FT-1802Mbrings you Yaesu's legendary mechanical toughness in a low-cost, high-performance, 2-meter FM transceiver. The FT-1802M is somewhat smaller than the FT-7800R dual bander and features outstanding audio on both transmit and receive. It has strong receiver performa...
八重洲 YAESU VX-6R 简易使用说明 1、按“V/M”键进入频率输入模式(非“MEMORY”模式)。 2、用数字键直接输入接收频率 3、设置中频差差转方向: 按一下“F/W”然后按“数字鍵6”进入设置菜单,再旋大旋钮选择差频的方向按发射键保存退出 4、设置步进频率 按一下“F/W”然后按“数字鍵1”进入设置...
That was a bit of a jump from my own radio, the Yaesu FT-90R. Here is a no-nonsense transceiver. It pretty much covers all the basics one would desire in a 2-meter FM transceiver, and those found in many of today's radios. This includes such features as the CTCSS encoding/decoding...
YAESU FT-450功能与操作 一、开机与关机 开机和关机都是按压ON/OFF钮1秒。 二、接收信号 开机后,旋转DSP/SEL按钮,这是一个三向钮(左、右和下压)。举例:接收13.107USB,下压一下,看到最前面三位数闪动,用三向钮旋到13.1再按压三向钮一下,再旋末尾两位数到10(由于步进的关系不能直接转到07的),这时就要用...
( FT- 2 2 1 ) Ke ying modifica t ions for Ya e s u FT- 221 Englis h la ngua ge ( FT- 2 2 1 ) Ya e s u FT- 221R re pe a t e r modifica t ion Englis h la ngua ge ( FT- 2 2 1 ) FT- 221 PB- 1455 ( PLL UNIT) SCHEMATIC Englis h la ngua ge ...
这些人可能会发现FT-2800M是首选无线电。 “一个笨重的收发器似乎比无线电还要散热!”这是我将收音机从包装盒中取出时的第一印象。如手册中所述,'2800M是一款“坚固”的单频段FM移动收发器,重4磅。这与我自己的收音机Yaesu FT-90R相比有点跳跃。这是一个废话收发器。它几乎涵盖了人们希望在2米FM收发器中...
八重洲ft-2900r基本参数 对讲机类别 车载台 通迅频道数 128个 静音码 ctcss模拟哑音,dcs数字哑音 对讲机频率范围 136-174mhz 功率 75w 八重洲ft-2900r功能参数 背景照明 有 免持功能 有 其他功能 使用ft - 2900r提供了221个记忆频道,其中包括200名“正常”的回忆,一零对带限制的记忆,即时共召回“主...