YAESU FT-DX101MP (4/8) 自动连播 5181播放 简介 订阅合集 开机字幕设置 01:21 3D频谱 01:12 MODE(模式) 02:12 BAND(波段) 04:18 FT8模式设置1/2 02:00 固件升级 16:48 屏幕贴膜 07:59 YAESU FTDX-101MP固件升级 00:34 YAESU FTDX101MP BA3QU 2607 5 CQWW的女HAM BA3QU 1501 5 ...
以其型号选定可见八重洲公司视其为里程碑式产品(历史上FT-101系列是八重洲公司著名产品)。YAESU在电路上享有盛誉的FTDX5000MP系列作为高端的主力代表作依然有售,新型号包含专用的频谱监视显示组件,该产品主打高性能和高指标,具备200W功率输出并有多种高端扩展选件。 YAESU FT-891 对于普通业余电台爱好者更关心的是YAESU...
Specifications: Product Type: Desktop Microphone Compatibility: Compatible with a wide range of Yaesu walkie talkies including FT-1000MP, FT-2000, FT-450, FT-817, FT-818, FT-840, FT-847, FT-857, FT-891, FT-897, FT-900, FT-920, FT-950, FT-991, FTDX-10, FTDX-101D, FTDX-101MP...
FT-1000DThis legacy model transceiver requires Power Supply Kit ABB19X001 to use the M-90D microphone. FT-1000MPMic base has both connectors to use supplied reversible 8-pin modular to 8-pin round mic cable to mate with radio. FT-1000MP MKVMic base has both connectors to use supplied re...
1970年的 Yaesu FT-101通联记录 字幕自动生成轻点喷 BD8ALD 1241 2 7:11 YAESU电台快捷键盘使用 BG4IGX 395 -- 13:55 Yaesu FT-891使用手机FT8CN收发和CAT同步控制 BG7ZT 600 -- 11:2 FT3D简单介绍 八重洲 YAESU FT-3D 简单上手介绍 小喇叭不广播 4114 7 4:12 八重洲 YAESU FTDX5000MP 更换副屏幕 ...
FT DX 101 transceiver user will appreciate the finest performance with ahigh-purity transmission signal. Transmit Status Monitor nal Amplifier with Analog Meter Display 100~700Hz 700~1500Hz 1500~3200Hz FTDx 101(MP version: 200W)power amplifier utilizespush-pull VRF150 MOS Touch the meter display ...
【新品推介】通联竞赛好搭档Yaesu旗舰机型FTdx101D开箱 业余无线电 有趣、好玩的火腿圈
FT-Control for YAESU is an innovative Software Defined Radio (SDR) client designed specifically for macOS users, allowing comprehensive control and operation of selected YAESU transceivers. Developed to maximize the capabilities of the FT-710, FTdx-10, and FTdx-101 (D or MP) models, this app ...
The tradition and quality of the Yaesu HF product line lives on with the newFTDX101MPmodel. In Homage to the found of Yaesu - Sako Hasegawa JA1MP - we are pleased to announce this model. This transceiver covers the HF/50 Mhz bands, is capable of 200 watts of power, VC Tune for the...