The Ultimate HF/50 Mhz transceiver has arrived continuing on the tradition of high-quality HF products. Named after the well-known FT-101, which is a corner stone in the history of HF transceivers, the future is here with the birth of theFTDX101D. Featuring 100 watts of power, VC Tune...
FT-8100, FT-8100M, FT-8500, FT-8500M, FT-8800, FT-8800R, FT-8900, FT-8900R 价格说明 【一般情况下】 划线价格:划线的价格可能是商品的销售指导价或该商品的曾经展示过的销售价等,并非原价,仅供参考。 未划线价格:未划线的价格是商品在阿里巴巴中国站上的销售标价,具体的成交价格根据商品参加活动...
FT-8100 FT-8100M FT-8500 FT-8500M FT-8800 FT-8800 FT-8800E FT-8800R FT-8900 FT-8900E FT-8900R for TYT TH9000D, TH9000D plus, TH9000D pro for KENWOOD K-7100, TK-7150, TK-7160, TK-7180, TK-760, TK-760G, TK-762, TK- 762G, TK-763, TK-763G, TK-768, TK-768G, ...
For emergency work, or to extend the range of a hand-held unit, the FT-8800R includes Cross-Band Repeat capability, similar to that pioneered on our popular FT-8100R Dual Band FM Mobile! One-Touch Band-Pattern To save valuable time while operating a transceiver with the capability of the...
FT-1500 FT-1807 FT-1500M FT-1807MFT-3000 FT-3000M ฟุต-7100 FT-7100M FT-8100 FT-8100M ฟุต-8500 FT-8500M แพคเกจรวม:10 x ปริมาณสวิทช์ การจัดส่งและสุทธิ: 1ท...
FT-8100 FT-8100M FT-8500 FT-8500M FT-8800 FT-8800 FT-8800E FT-8800R FT-8900 FT-8900E FT-8900R for TYT TH9000D, TH9000D plus, TH9000D pro for KENWOOD K-7100, TK-7150, TK-7160, TK-7180, TK-760, TK-760G, TK-762, TK- 762G, TK-763, TK-763G, TK-768, TK-768G...
FT-1500 FT-1807 FT-1807M FT-1500M FT-3000 FT-3000M FT-7100 FT-7100M FT-8100 FT-8100M FT-8500 FT-8500M แพคเกจรวม:ไมโครโฟน1x Dtmf การจัดส่งและส่งกลับ : 1ศุลกากร...
*If you already have the above listed firmware versions,it is not necessary to update the FT-991 again.There are four different firmware installations. Each one must be followed carefully. Installing the wrong type firmware may cause difficulties. Check your radio before installing firmware to be ...
YAESU 系统产品介绍 FT-8900R SPECIFICATIONS General Frequency Range: RX: 28.000 - 29.700 MHz, 50.000 - 54.000 MHz, 108.000 - 180.000 MHz, 320.000 - 480.000 MHz, 700 - 985 MHz (Cellular Blocked) TX: 28.000 - 29.700 MHz, 50.000 - 54.000 MHz, ...