Find Yaesu FT-225RD rigs and spare parts on eBay Find the Yaesu FT-225RD on Amazon The Yaesu FT-225RD is a 2 meter multi-mode transceiver that operates in SSB, CW, FM and AM modes. Power output is: 25 watts SSB/CW/FM and 8 watts and AM mode. watts. Frequency coverage is 144...
LDG FT-METER Big external analog meter. INFO Discontinued LDG FTL-METER Really big external analog meter. INFO Discontinued LDG AT-897 Plus The LDG AT-897S is a great autotuner for the Yaesu FT-897/897D. The included CAT cable interfaces directly to your FT897/897D and supplies power to...
The Yaesu FT-950 is an elite-class HF transceiver providing exceptional performance both on transmit and receive. The FT-950 is designed for the most competitive operating situations, whether you primarily operate in contest, DX, or digital-mode environments. It is built on the foundation of ...
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FT-8100 FT-8100M FT-8500 FT-8500M FT-8800 FT-8800 FT-8800E FT-8800R FT-8900 FT-8900E FT-8900R for TYT TH9000D, TH9000D plus, TH9000D pro for KENWOOD K-7100, TK-7150, TK-7160, TK-7180, TK-760, TK-760G, TK-762, TK- 762G, TK-763, TK-763G, TK-768, TK-768G...
( FT- 1 1 ) Ext e nde d t ra ns mis s ion ra nge on a Ye a s u FT- 11R Englis h la ngua ge ( FT- 1 5 0 0 ) MARS/ CAP Modifica t ion for t he Ya e s u FT- 1500M. Englis h la ngua ge ( FT- 1 5 0 0 ) FT- 1500M - re ducing ba s s re s pons...
YAESU 八重洲FT-252中文使用手册.pdf,VHF 调频对讲机 FT-252 操作手册 八重洲无线株式会社 日本东京品川区东品川 2-5-8 号天王洲 PACKSIDE BUILDING 邮编 :140-0002 八重洲电子设备科技(上海)有限公司 中国上海自由贸易试验区西里路 55 号 5F1007B 邮编 :200131 目录
YAESU FT-8900R 中文说明书 介绍 FT-8900R 是一款坚固耐用的、高质量的四小波段调频收发信 机。在 29/50/144MHz 段,本机提供 50W 的输出功率。在430MHz 段,本机提供 30W 的输出功率。 FT-8900R 的高功纺率输出,来源于MOSFET 功率管功率放大 器 RD70HVF1 ,直吹式散热片,全自动温 控式风冷散热电路。
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[RESOLVED] DownloadFt290 service manual. ... Dunno about the MK2 but the Mk1 was a pig to get at, the 2nd time around I put an ultra white clear LED in my ... - free yaesu manual downloads Download : YAESU FT-225R ... for ft290, yaesu fr 101 schematic, yaesu ...