Find Yaesu FT-212RH rigs and spare parts on eBay Find the Yaesu FT-212RH on Amazon The Yaesu FT-212RH is a mobile VHF transceiver. It covers 144-146 MHz (Europe) or 144-148 MHz (USA) for both receive and transmit. The radio has selectable tuning steps of 5, 10, 12.5, 20, or...
( FT- 2 1 1 ) 9600 BPS wit h Ya e s u FT- 211RH Englis h la ngua ge ( FT- 2 1 2 ) FT- 212RH Ext e nde d Fre que ncy Cove ra ge Englis h la ngua ge ( FT- 2 1 2 ) FT- 212 a nd 4800 bps Englis h la ngua ge ...
【野架记录】YAESU FT-891测试PAC-12对比ATAS 120通联性能 2769 59 6:43 App 八重洲YAESU 5DR与6R对比FM接受灵敏度及喇叭音效 845 9 4:52 App 翻出十年前的770h天线,效果依旧坚挺 1135 15 3:47 App 成功改装 八重州 YAESU ATAS 120 自动调谐车载天线 744 -- 1:06 App 【玩机】八重洲FT-4XR成...