A scan through the 'ads' in recent issues of this magazine will reveal a plethora of larger HF base stations currently offered for sale. The FT-920 is the latest addition from Yaesu, similar in size and style to the FT-1000MP and boasting many of the same advanced features, but with ...
$7.50forARRLMembers,$12.50fornon-Members,postpaid. ModelInformation: FT-100Serial#:9D021081 QST"ProductReview"June,1999 Manufacturer: YaesuU.S.A. 17210EdwardsRd Cerritos,CA90703 Telephone:***-***-***0 http://.yaesu/ ARRLLaboratoryExpandedTest-ResultReportModel:YaesuFT-100Serial:9D021081 ...