BD3OOX 核心会员 7 FT-900 Specifications 2楼2018-03-31 02:14 回复 康康开车 初级粉丝 1 有便宜的吗? 来自iPhone客户端3楼2019-07-09 10:50 回复 贴吧用户_G4NyR88 初级粉丝 1 这个机器的核准码有没有啊 来自手机贴吧4楼2022-08-15 20:03 回复 ...
Specifications General FrequencyRanges:RX108-137MHz(AirBand), (CellularBlocked)137-520MHz(AM/FM), 700-999.990MHz(FM) TX144-148MHz,430-450MHz ChannelSteps:5/10/12.5/15/20/25/50/100kHz FrequencyStability:±5ppm@14°Fto140°F(–10°Cto+60°C) ...
Specifications: Material: Durable plastic construction Compatibility: Vertex Yaesu VX-2200, VX-2100, VX-3200, VX-4500, FT-450, FT-817, FT-857D, FT-897D, FT-900, FT-2400, and more Design: Ergonomic hand microphone with built-in PTT and microphone Weight: Lightweight for easy handling Con...
Specifications: Model: MH-31A8J Compatibility: Yaesu FT-817ND, FT-857D, FT-897D, FT-450D, FT-900/AT, FT-818, FT-891 Cable: Included Design: Durable, ergonomic with a clip for secure attachment Performance: High-quality audio transmission Accessories: 1x microphone Features: |Cobra Cb Rad...
Specifications are subject to change without notice, and are guaranteed within the 144 and 430 MHz amateur bands only. Frequency ranges will vary according to transceiver version; check with your dealer. A-1 ( F R W R A / O 0 W N 5 I 4 N T 1 K R D P 4 N A ...
Known Specifications: Display:3.5 inch wide LCD with High Speed Spectrum Scope RX Frequency Range:30 KHz to 56 MHz, 118 MHz to 164 MHz, 420 MHz to 470 MHz TX Frequency Range:1.8 MHz to 54 MHz. 144 MHz to 148 MHz, 430 MHz to 450 MHz ...
Hallas, W1ZR From February 2005 QST © ARRL Assistant Technical Editor Table 1 Yaesu FT-60R, Serial Number 4K050350 Manufacturer's Specifications Measured in the ARRL Lab Frequency coverage: Receive, 108-137 MHz (AM), 137-520 MHz (AM/FM), 700-999 MHz (cell blocked); ...
Performance 123451=awful, 5=greatHow well does the rig perform? Does it meet up to the manufacturer's specifications and how does it compare to similar rigs? Build quality 123451=awful, 5=greatHow well is the rig built and constructed? How is its reliability, sturdiness, fit and finish?
Yaesu FT-100DSpecifications Discontinued Amateur Base Transceivers FT-100 Specifications GENERAL Frequency Range: Receive: 100 kHz - 961 MHz (Cellular blocked) Transmit: 160 - 6 Meters 0 2 Meters 0 70 Centimeters (Amateur bands only) 0 5167.5 kHz: Alaska Emergency Frequency 0 (U.S.A. ...
FP-29 Specifications 0 DC Output Voltage/Current: +30 V: 15 A; +13.8 V: 3 A Input Voltage: AC 100-120 V, 50-60 Hz 0 AC 200-240 V, 50-60 Hz Current Consumption (Approx.): AC 100-120 V: 9 A, AC 200-240 V: 5 A Operating Temperature Range: -10°C ~ +50°C Case Size...