HF/VHF/UHF ALLMODETRANSCEIVER FT-897 OperatingManual VERTEXSTANDARDCO.,LTD. 4-8-8Nakameguro,Meguro-Ku,Tokyo153-8644,Japan VERTEXSTANDARD USHeadquarters 10900WalkerStreet,Cypress,CA90630,U.S.A. YAESUEUROPEB.V. P.O.Box75525,1118ZNSchiphol,TheNetherlands YAESUUKLTD. Unit12,SunValleyBusinessPark,...
Accordingly, the FC-30 shouldnot be expected to match “long wire” type antennas unless you have taken specific design steps to ensure thatthe impedance presented to the FC-30 is within these specifications.Please refer to the FT-897 Operating Manual for operating instructions.Rear Panel ...
蓝牙功能短波电台高性价比参数设置入门级保有量HAM数据线YAESU FT-897(以下简称897)作为一款入门级别的短波电台,它功能全面,质量稳定外加上YAESU的高性价比优势.使之在广大HAM群体之中保有量很大.这里特别值得一提的是,897可以搭配电脑使用,可以提供给用户频率导入/导出,参数设置等功能,只可惜原厂配套的数据线(CT-...
YAESU FT-897D短波扩频方法 作者:BA8AT 原文连接: http://www.hellocq.net/forum/showthread.php?t=183380&page=1&pp=30 拥有FT-897D的朋友都知道,它在短波业余段外不能发射(有的版本例外),想大范围摇动频率看一下天线的谐振点都不行,对此心头一直耿耿于怀。事先在网上研究过它的扩频资料后决定动手...
The Yaesu FP-30 internal AC power supply is for the Yaesu FT-897 or FT-897D only! It mounts in place of the battery the bottom-inside of the radio. It has its own tilt stand. With box, hardware and manual.Click here for technical info on this current model U883 Yaesu FP-30 $169...
YAESUFT-897D短波扩频方法 作者:BA**T 原文连接:http://.hellocq.net/forum/showthread.php?t=183380&page=1&pp=30 拥有FT-897D的朋友都知道,它在短波业余段外不能发射(有的版本例外),想大范围摇动频率看一下天线的谐振点都不行,对此心头一直耿耿于怀。事先在网上研究过它的扩频资料后决定动手。
Yaesu - FC-40 Antenna Tuner Manual使用说明书手册.pdf,Interconnections to FT-897D and FT-857D FC-40 Circuit Diagram Automatic-Matching 200-Memory Antenna Tuner After mounting, connect the cables from the FC-40 to the ANT and TUNER jacks on the rear panel
The FT-897 comes with a MH-31A8J hand mic and power cord. Features * TX Frequency Coverage: 160-10 Meters, 50 MHz, 144 MHz, 430-450 MHz, plus Alaska Emergency Ch. (5167.5 kHz). * RX Frequency Coverage: 100 kHz-56 MHz; 76-154 MHz; 420-470 MHz. * Power Output: 100 watts HF...
FT-857D是YAESU继FT-7900R,FT-8900R之后,又推出的一款经典业余无线电台,其采用创新观念设计,具有多波段,多模式,紧凑等特点,其技术源于FT-897D和MARK-VT-1000MP.电台的... 张洪昌 - 《现代通信》 被引量: 0发表: 2015年 深度使用报告 FT-857(以下简称857)是日本YAESU公司在2004年左右推出的一款以短波为主...
八重洲短波电台YAESU FT-897D 原装正品 需订货 The FT-897D, the world\'s smallest HF/VHF/UHF mobile transceiver, provides base station-type performance from an ultra-compact package that\'s ideal for mobile or external battery portable work. Wide frequency coverage, outstandig receiver performance...