内容提示: 八重洲 ft-7900r 说明书(YAESU ft-7900r manual) Some of the basic functions and operation method of FT-7800R YAESU FT-7900R/E is basically the same, the main function is set as follows: A set of frequency. 1. in the host set (1) open source (2) according to the (V/...
八重洲ft-7900r说明书(YAESUft-7900rmanual) SomeofthebasicfunctionsandoperationmethodofFT-7800R YAESUFT-7900R/Eisbasicallythesame,themainfunctionis setasfollows: Asetoffrequency. 1.inthehostset (1)opensource (2)accordingtothe(V/M.MW)keytoentertheVFO(frequency) state; (3)shortpress(BAND.SET)key...
八重洲ft-7900r说明书(YAESU ft-7900r manual) Some of the basic functions and operation method of FT-7800R YAESU FT-7900R/E is basically the same, the main function is set as follows: A set of frequency. 1. in the host set (1) open source (2) according to the (V/M.MW) key to...
2046 0 00:57 App YAESU 八重洲 FT-7900R_恢复出厂默认值(复位操作) 879 0 01:03 App ICOM 艾可慕 IC-2730A 车载电台功率调节——世纪金宇 2324 0 00:52 App FTM-100DR和300DR的区别 3794 2 03:20 App YAESU 八重洲 FTM-300DR 车载电台的功能简介 595 1 01:01 App FTM-300DR 新款数字车载电台-...
763 0 01:10 App YAESU 八重洲 FT-7900R 车载电台存储频率的操作 442 0 00:59 App ICOM 艾可慕 IC-2730A 车载电台快速静音——世纪金宇 251 0 01:14 App YAESU 八重洲 FTM-100DR 自动关机设置-世纪金宇 597 1 01:01 App FTM-300DR 新款数字车载电台-世纪金宇通讯 345 0 01:06 App YAESU 八重洲 FTM...
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YAESU FT-7900R VHF/UHF Dual Band Mobile Radio Car Taxi Truck Transceiver FT-7900 Picture is from real stock. Condition:Used , Good physical condition. Factory surplus. No physical damage. Please contact us for more information or pictures. Location: