大部分关于yabujin的照片都可以在subreddit, discord, last.fm or google上面被轻松地被找到,请在问这些问题之前自己先在网上搜搜看 "how do i make my pictures low quality like yabujin?" 我该怎么像yabujin做一些低质量的图片 jpeg artifact generator. 网站地址在这里:https://eyy.co/tools/artifact-genera...
The Russian producer Dayerteq, who has collaborated with hardcore legend Marc Acardipane, copped to being heavily inspired by Yabujin on Reddit and promised he would “stop building a ‘Yabujin’ out of myself.” But there’s also an onslaught of Aze-rote drivel—a legion of low-effort ...