A gut-wrenching, startling window into communist Romania and the citizen spy network that devastated a nation, from the number oneNew York Timesbest-selling, award-winning author ofSalt to the SeaandBetween Shades of Gray. I picked upI Must Betray Youwith some trepidation. Reading a YA histori...
Keith Robertson’s HENRY REED’S JOURNEY.The second in a series of books narrated by Henry Reed, who spends each summer having adventures with Midge, his tomboy business partner (another meme!) in the firm HENRY REED, INC. (“pure and applied research”). In this funny installment, he an...
The folks over atElite Daily took the LeBron James coming home-meme a few steps furtherand offered up what each NBA team would look like if its starting lineup were made up of all locally grown products. (They skipped Denver, San Antonio, and Utah, which have not produced enough players...
This is a really fun meme! The only rules are to grab a book (any book), turn to page 56 or 56% in your eReader and find a sentence or a few (no spoilers) that grabs you and post it. Then go over toFreda’s Voiceand leave your link so we can visit your 56!