This is one of the best fantasy adventure books coming from a New York Times bestselling author, and for some good reasons. The story behind this fantasy adventure book is just as attractive. Brandon Sanderson wrote it for himself only. He shared it with his wife, but he had no intention...
I've talked a little about kohya dofu or kouya dofu (高野豆腐)in the past, but I thought I'd describe it in detail so that I can refer back to it when I use this very versatile Japanese pantry staple in recipes. Kouya dofu is freeze dried tofu. It's a long lasting pantry ...
I can't really tell you what made this movie speak to me the way it did. I had a very happy childhood, and so couldn't relate on that level at all. The cast was phenomenal, particularly Sandy Bullock as Siddalee.All I can say is what someone before me already said - this is ...
The original name of the film was Agony (Agoniya) and not Rasputin, a name by which the film was marketed for a while. The title Agony was evidently in line with what the director had in mind. If we were to accept that argument, was the director's original film about the spiritual ...
yadingoposted a topic inHellos and Goodbyes welcome to the 200th Episode of Game Theory! Technically it's the two hundred first and a-half episode because, we had a Mini Theory WAY WAY back on the channel a long time ago that's now privated because of reasons and then... ...
(Russianaˈmu darˈja) n (Placename) a river in central Asia, rising in the Pamirs and flowing northwest through the Hindu Kush and across Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan to its delta in the Aral Sea: forms much of the N border of Afghanistan and is important for irrigation. Length: 2400...
Novel excerpts are so good we had to put 38 of them on our longlist for this contest. Soon, we’ll narrow this list down to fifteen to send to guest Judge Keshe Chow! Reading excerpts from novels in progress each year is always a privilege!
had a bit of a falling out. Anyway, yatata-yatata, the point is that I haven't seen her in a long time.A: "You've got to be absolutely sure you have this latch—" B: "Secured, or else it could come loose on the road, and that would be bad, yatata-yatata, I know."He...
Do you write every day? Not really. There was a period of time where Alyssa and I had quite a few deadlines, and we honestly burned ourselves out with how quickly we had to write books (I believe I had to write 7 books in one year, all under deadline). So I think we’ve both...
In this fantasy world, Zafira, a young female pretending to be a male named Hunter, venturing into the cursed forest of the Arz to feed her townspeople. Among the first impressions I had about this new series was that it nailed a great world building. It's extremely well done, incorporati...