(222) (211) (400) (440) (622) 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 2θ (o) 图 4 反应温度 180 ℃,反应时间 24 h,氢氧化钠溶液 浓度为 2 mol/L 条件下得到的沉淀焙烧后样品的 XRD 图谱 Fig.4 XRD pattern of the product obtained by calcining the precipitate synthesized in the solution with the ...
The fluorescence spectra, the electron diffraction pattern, and the XRD pattern of the large particles were typical of the stable cubic (Mn2O3 type) phase of bulk Y2O3 while those of small particles were quite different and indicated the possible presence of higher density metastable mixed phases...
The XRD pattern of the Ni-Y2O3 nanocomposite is shown in Fig. 4a. In general, the usage of the XRD method cannot give an answer how the composite is constructed but it delivers the information about its structural composition. Hence, analyzing the pre- sented data, one can see that ...
前驱体 XRD 图 Fig .1 X R D pattern of the precursor 维普资讯 http:// 262 无 机 化 学 学 报 第24 卷 图2 为前驱体 DTA—TG 曲线 从图中可以看 出,各峰均为 吸热 峰 ,表明 在该 处 发生 了明显的物 相变 化 .前驱 体的 DTA 曲线 中 102 ℃ 的吸热 峰 主要 ...
Fig.1 XRD pattern of Y 2 O 3 ﹕Eu 3+ (110:1)powder 线的衍射,相应谱峰移动的是晶面间距的改 变。将半峰宽 B=0.426 。 、λ =0.15406nm, 2θ =29.101 代人 Scherrer 公式可以估算得样 品的粒径为20nm。 2.2 Y 2 O 3 ﹕Eu 3+ 光谱性能分析 对第一组 Y 2 O 3 中单掺杂 Eu 3+ 的...
The XRD pattern of Y2O3:Er3+ nanorods was recorded in Fig. 1a for structural characterization and all the diffraction peaks are fully consistent with the standard pattern (JCPDS41-1105) of the crystalline Y2O3. No additional peak has been observed for Er2O3 as the doping amounts of Er is...
XRD analysis For further confirmation of the crystal structure of the products, the XRD analysis was performed. The XRD pattern of the Dy2O3, Dy2O3/ZnO and Dy/ZnO-AuNCs@PF are illustrated in Fig. 1. The crystal plane of pure Dy2O3 (JCPDS No. 78–0388) with diffraction peaks at 2θ ...
The XRD pattern showed the cubic fluorite structure of Y2O3 without any impurity peaks, revealing high purity of the prepared sample. TEM images revealed that the calcined Y2O3 nanoparticles consist of spherical-like morphology with an average particle size of 12 nm. The absorption spectrum of ...
Fig. 3 Wide-angle XRD pattern of mesoporous Y 2 0 3 film treated at 45 C for 4 h 2. 2 介孔氧化钕薄膜的结构 图4 为用相同方法制备的 Nd 2 0 3 薄膜样品在不同温度处理下的透射电镜图. 由图4 可见,Nd 2 0 3 薄膜样品也具有类似于Y 2 0 3 薄膜样品出现的均匀有序的扭曲球形孔排列结构,...
LCS 法制备 的 Yb“:Y20 3粉体 的 XRD 图谱 F ig .1 X R D pattern s of Y b :Y 2 0 3 p owers by L CS method 和相对强度基本一致 ,说明所得产物相是 Y:0 ,立 方晶体结 构。图 1 中最强 衍射 峰 对应 的 2 为 29.357。,利用 Gaussian 拟合得 出的积分面积 、衍 ...