Camera效果测试-Y-Shading测试 技术标签: camera tunning c++ Camera Tuning 相机测试目的:测试拍照系统成像的均匀性 测试方法:DNP光源下,拍照系统正对均匀光源的发光面,且距离均匀光源1cm左右,使拍照系统的预览为均匀光源的发光面。等待画面稳定后,拍照,然后使用imatest软件分析亮度均一性值Y。 Shading 值:(四角最...
海思标定Yshading是按照几乘几卡控的()A.5*5 B.17*13 C.10*10 D.12*11答案 查看答案发布时间:2023-05-02 更多“海思标定Yshading是按照几乘几卡控的()”相关的问题 第1题 在乘法中,一个乘数乘几,另一个乘数不变,积也乘几() 点击查看答案 第2题 巴西利卡是()大厅,纵向几排柱子把它分为几...
1.Effect on diurnal change of photosynthesis of flue-cured tobacco with differentsun-shadingtreatments was studied,the result showed that that different treatment ofsun-shadinghas significant effect on field microclimate and photosynthesis characters.不遮阳和65%遮阳处理的净光合速率日变化表现为明显的“双峰...
3.Effects of Shading on Growth and Photosynthetic Characteristics of Aralia elata;遮荫对刺龙牙生长及光合特性的影响 英文短句/例句 1.A shaded, leafy recess;an arbor.凉亭,遮荫处一个荫蔽的、有树荫的休息处;凉亭 2."bower:a shaded, leafy recess; an arbor."凉亭,遮荫处:一个荫蔽的、有树荫的休息处...
3.Effects ofShadingat Different Growth Stages on Photosynthetic Characteristic and Grain Yield in Faba Bean;不同时期遮阴对蚕豆光合特性及产量的影响 英文短句/例句 1.growth of subterranean clover遮阴下的三叶草生长 2.Each upstairs room opened on a balcony shaded by an overhanging roof.楼上的每个房间都...
1.Research on Algorithms or Free-formed Surfaces Eliminating,Shadingand Shadow;自由曲面的消隐、浓淡和阴影算法的研究 2.A New Method ofShadingBased on Environment Texture Mapping;一种新的基于环境纹理映射的浓淡方法 英文短句/例句 1.Technology Research of Downstream Electric Deionization of Resins Filling ...
Y Seko - US 被引量: 306发表: 1990年 Shading device for vehicle A shading device for a vehicle, comprising a dimming glass plate capable of changing a light transmittance thereof, wherein the dimming glass plate is provided at a portion of a vehicular window glass to separate an interior of...
2d - Iluminación y shading - 大小:126m 目录:Domestika - Diseño de personajes y Animación 3D-Videos 资源数量:15,其他后期软件教程_其他,Domestika - Diseño de personajes y Animación 3D-Videos/1a - Este soy yo,Domestika - Diseño de p
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