MEGATRO is one of the few manufactures who assemble a face of 230KV Y-Frame steel pole. This attention to quality may not be the cheapest process but it does insure every tower meets our high standards of quality. And it helps to reduce on-site construction cost due to mismat...
In an embodiment of the invention, a fixator for fixating bone fractures includes a Y-frame having superior, anterior and posterior arms. The arms may be slotted and may accept mounting hardware for supporting fixation pins or transfixion pins. Various components of mounting hardware may be able...
2.5. X-Y Frame Part Figure 2-6. X-Y Frame Part 2.5.1. XY-Axis Specifications Table 2-1. XY-Axis specification Classification Specifications Remarks Mechanism X-axis: AC Servo motor Y-axis: AC Servo motor 400 W 1500 W Decelerating ratio X-axis 1:1 Y-axis 1:1 Repeatability ...
Framey is a unique social travel app where you can easily plan, book, and share your travel holiday! Use it as a travel planner, or explore the best places to v…
View的坐标系有两个:一个基于父视图的frame,一个基于自身的bounds; frame的x和y决定了自身在父视图中的位置 bounds的x和y决定了子视图在自身的起始位...
Una cosa importante para acordarse cuando maneje acciones basadas en el tiempo coomo ésta es que el framerate del juego no es constante y tampoco lo es el periodo de tiempo entre llamados de funciones Update.Un ejemplo de esto, considere la tarea de mover un objeto gradualmente hacia ...
Model:16Y-32-10000 Name:traction frame Weight:0.00kg/pcs Detail Prev:16Y-40-00001 cover Next:16Y-31-00002 pin Back Focus news Contact us Tel: 400 869 0537 Website: ...
缝帧文化(C.E.F-Connect evey frame)企宣动画“千纸鹤” 策划:程国豪导演:程国豪分镜:程国豪千纸鹤三维绑定及三维模型:方明君动画师:方升钰,毛洁攀,方明君,谈之浩合成:程国豪 --- Mr.cheng:作为年度作品,耗时一个月从前期脚本打磨到设定上花费了不少时间,致力表现最优的作品来给观众传达我们是怎么样的一...
ypatel-frame-print 1.0.0•Public• Published6 years ago This package does not have a README.Add a READMEto your package so that users know how to get started. Readme Keywords none npm iypatel-frame-print Weekly Downloads 2 Version...
商品名称:FRAME 新款女装阔腿牛仔长裤休闲裤时尚潮流HNTWLRA727_# 浅蓝色 (RSTY) 28 商品编号:10073954802537 店铺: VINJAK MODA海外卖场店 货号:HNTWLRA727_# 适用性别:女 适用人群:成人 厚度:常规 风格:潮流风 类别:裤子 潮流风:朋克风 上市时间:2023年春季 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 卖家服务 京东承...