NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Mean Squared Error vs. Mean Absolute Error Similarity: both measure the average model prediction error; range from 0 to infinity; the lower the better Mean Squared Error (MSE) gives higher weights to large error (e.g., being off by 10 just MORE THAN TWICE as bad as being off by 5),...
Fora corank 1 singular point in ann-manifold inthe curvature locus can have many different topological types and can even have singularities. These types of loci have been studied in [3] forandand in [2,4,5] forand In this paper, using the curvature locus, we define axial curvatures for...
Within Google, my original hope was that I’d try to position myself into a team that would be AI or AI-adjacent, do researchy stuff, eventually position myself to work on AI safety. But it ended up very hard trying to switch myself from “software engineer working in team X doing ...
Added missing none-squared matrix products GLM - 2011-10-01 Fixed half based type build on old GCC Fixed /W4 warnings on Visual C++ Fixed some missing l-value swizzle operators GLM - 2011-09-20 Fixed floatBitToXint functions Fixed pack and unpack functions Fixed round func...
The posterior mean estimate for {sigma2}, 90.76, is close to the residual mean squared estimate, 90.50, listed in the ANOVA table of the regress command. The estimation table of the bayes prefix also reports Monte Carlo standard errors (MCSEs), medians, and equal-tailed credible intervals....
What is X squared - Y squared divided by X-Y? (x2 - y2)/(x - y) = (x + y)(x - y)/(x - y) = x + y What is the implicit differentiation of y equals sin x plus y? y = sin(x+y) cos( x + y )[(1 + y')] = y' cos(x + y ) + y'cos(x + y ) = y...
Find slope of the line tangent to the graph (-9x) squared / (3x) cubed - 2x at the point (-1,9) . Find the slope of the tangent line at (2, -3) for equation 2 y^3 + 3 = x^3 - 6 y. Use implicit differentiation to find the slope of the tan...
Why is the squared norm equal to the norm? Explain why sqrt(4) 2 = 4 , How would you apply that explanation to solving x in sqrt(x + 5) = 7 ? Given __f(x)=x2+3x-5__ on __(-1,3)__ show __f(x)= 10__ for some x \in (-1, 3) ...
dx = compute_gradient(x) old_v = v v = rho * v - learning_rate * dx x+= -rho * old_v + (1+rho) * v Doesn't overshoot the problem but slower than SGD + momentum AdaGrad grad_squared = 0 while(True): dx = compute_gradient(x) # here is a problem, the grad_squared is...