Tienganh123.Com là website học tiếng Anh online trên mạng cho mọi trình độ. Với những bài học tiếng Anh phong phú, đa dạng, dễ hiểu, các bạn có thể nâng cao trình độ Tiếng Anh trong th
B. It is said that no fewer than ten people are going to be interviewed for the job. C. People say that fewer than ten job interviews have been held so far. D. I have heard that only ten people have been chosen to have the job interviewed. Xem đáp án Mark the letter A...
I was to be trained for ten days before I took my post. Also, as a member of staff, I was (24) to some benefits, including discounts. When I eventually started, I was responsible (25) ___ the toy section. I really enjoyed it there and I loved demonstrating the different toys....