Learning from crowds with robust support vector machines Yang, Wenjun; Li, Chaoqun; Jiang, Liangxiao Sci China Inf Sci, 2023, 66(3): 132103Keywords: vector machines crowdsourcing learning; ground truth inference; integrated labels; label noise; robust supportCite as: Yang W J, Li C Q, Jiang...
contrast can be used with svy estimation results; see [SVY] svy postestimation. Contrasts can also be computed for margins of linear and nonlinear responses; see [R] margins, contrast. Quick start Contrasts for one-way models Test the main effect of categorical variable a after regress y i....
Consider an n × 1 vector of outcome values y = (y1, y2, . . . , yn) , an n × p design matrix X containing values of p predictors, and an n × 1 vector of ones 1n. Let Mj be a regression model that contains a subset of pj predictors stored in an n × pj design ...
The host genetic basis of differential outcomes in HIV infection, progression, viral load set point and highly active retroviral therapy (HAART) responses
The attributes are: the grape composition category and country of origin. The quantitative traits are rendered as miniature bar graphs: fruit intensity (FI), mineral intensity (MI), body (B), acidity (Ac), oak intensity (OI) and tannin intensity (TI). The indicated categorical traits are ...
Liu et al., "Prolonged Remission of Diabetes by Regeneration of beta Cells in Diabetic Mice Treated with Recombinant Adenoviral Vector Expressing Glucagon-like Peptide-1" 15(1) Molecular Therapy 86-93 (2007) Claims: 1. A composition comprising chitosan and a plasmid DNA sequence encoding for Glu...
Notation Marginal effects Fixing covariates and balancing factors Estimable functions Standard errors conditional on the covariates Unconditional standard errors Notation Let θ be the vector of parameters in the current model fit, let z be a vector of covariate values, and let (z, θ) be a scalar...
10. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the determining uses a supervised learning technique selected from a group consisting of a support vector machines (SVM) analysis technique and a classification and regression tree (CART) analysis technique. 11. The apparatus of claim 1, wherein the patter...
contrast can be used with svy estimation results; see [SVY] svy postestimation. Contrasts can also be computed for margins of linear and nonlinear responses; see [R] margins, contrast. Quick start Contrasts for one-way models Test the main effect of categorical variable a after regress y i....