就是hat Y...要在y的正上方,不是在他旁边. 答案 这得用公式编辑器吧你用公式编辑器在WORD里打出你要的效果,然后在Word里截图,插入到excel里~我用2003,所以excel不带公式编辑器的相关推荐 1在中excel怎么样在y上面打^这个符号?在y上面打出^这个符号?就是hat Y...要在y的正上方,不是在他旁边....
在y上面打出^这个符号?就是hat Y...要在y的正上方,不是在他旁边. 扫码下载作业帮搜索答疑一搜即得 答案解析 查看更多优质解析 解答一 举报 这得用公式编辑器吧你用公式编辑器在WORD里打出你要的效果,然后在Word里截图,插入到excel里~我用2003,所以excel不带公式编辑器的 解析看不懂?免费查看同类题视频解析...
JavaSymbolSolver - A symbol solver for Java. JRebel - Instantly reloads code and configuration changes without redeploys. Manifold - Re-energizes Java with powerful features like type-safe metaprogramming, structural typing and extension methods. NoException - Allows checked exceptions in functional in...
17.某医学科研所对人体脂肪含量与年龄这两个变量研究得到一组随机样本数据,运用Excel软件计算得ˆyy^=0.577x-0.448(x为人的年龄,y(单位:%)为人体脂肪含量).对年龄为37岁的人来说,下面说法正确的是( ) A.年龄为37岁的人体内脂肪含量都为20.90%
The chemical symbol for lanthanum is ___. 59.听力题: The chemical symbol for selenium is ___. 60.选择题: Which of these is NOT a type of fruit? A. Apple B. Orange C. Carrot D. Banana 答案:C 61.填空题: This ___ (玩具) creates a sense of wonder. 62.填空题: My pet rabbit...
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Question: Using Y = a + bX what is the predicted sales price for a house of 2100 square feet? Least-squares regression line: The predicted value of the dependent variable is calculated by the substitute for the value of the independent variable in the estimated regress...
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On the back of the books, in later editions, was a Proof of Purchase symbol that the reader could cut out – like cereal box tops – to send away (once they had racked up the heart points) for various Caprice branded items – a cosmetic bag, a keyring, a choker and an ankle brace...
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