Haplogroup D1a2 (M55, M57, M64.1, M179, P12, P37.1, P41.1 (M359.1), 12f2.2) Found mainly in Japan【主要分布在日本】 Haplogroup D1a3 (Y34637) Found in Andamanese peoples (Onge, Jarawa) 【分布在安达曼人(翁格族、雅拉哇族)】 Haplogroup D1a1a (M15) Found mainly in Tibetans, Qiang...
Haplogroup G2a3 Haplogroup G2b Haplogroup G2c (formerly Haplogroup G5) Haplogroup G2a3b1 Haplogroup G2a3a Haplogroup G2a3b Haplogroup G2c1 单倍群H(M69) / Haplogroup H (M69) H-M89可能产生在中亚或南亚,距今已有约48,000年,并且在那里以H1(M69)和H3(Z5857)的形式广泛流行。 在伊朗,中亚,中东和阿拉...
ın site (6500-6200 BCE) in north-western Anatolia, and 8 of them belonged to haplogroup G2a (subclades G2a2a-PF3146, G2a2a1b-L91, G2a2a1b1-PF3247, G2a2b-L30, G2a2b2a-P303, G2a2b2a1c-CTS342). The other samples belonged to haplogroups C1a2, H2, I, I2c and J2a. These min...
东亚和东南亚人群的Y染色体DNA单倍型类群 en:Y-chromosome haplogroups by populations Y-DNA haplogroups by European populations en:List of Y-DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms en:List of Y-STR markers en:Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups 单倍型类群 en:Molecular phylogeny 基因学 en:Genealogical DNA tes...
G2a3b1b (L694) G2a3b2(L177.1、L177.2、L177.3) G2b(M377、L72、L183) G2b1 (M283) (此处的分支符合ISOGG使用的 Y-DNA SNP 定义 。2012 年,研究中仅在一名男子身上发现的几个类别已从 ISOGG 树中删除,导致一些重命名。) 不明确的地理分布 ...
此条目介绍的是人类 Y-DNA 单倍群。关于人类 mtDNA 单倍群,请参见Haplogroup I (mtDNA)。 本文需要人类遗传史专家的关注。具体问题是:单倍群和分支的命名。 (2016 年 1 月) 单倍群 I-M170 可能的起源时间 ~距今 42,900 年[2] 聚结年龄 距今约 27,500 年[3] ...
东亚和东南亚人群的Y染色体DNA单倍型类群 en:Y-chromosome haplogroups by populations Y-DNA haplogroups by European populations en:List of Y-DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms en:List of Y-STR markers en:Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups 单倍型类群 en:Molecular phylogeny 基因学 en:Genealogical DNA tes...
Y haplogroups What follows is the first in a series of two essays, covering human haplogroups, their origins and current distributions. According to geneticists, no more than 90% of existing human mtDNA and yDNA haplogroups has been precisely identified. One theory is that the missing 10% ...
东亚和东南亚人群的Y染色体DNA单倍型类群 en:Y-chromosome haplogroups by populations Y-DNA haplogroups by European populations en:List of Y-DNA single-nucleotide polymorphisms en:List of Y-STR markers en:Human mitochondrial DNA haplogroups 单倍型类群 en:Molecular phylogeny 基因学 en:Genealogical DNA tes...