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Quintino, F.S.; Ozelim, L.C.d.S.M.; Fonseca, T.A.d.; Rathie, P.N. Stress–Strength Reliability of the Type P(X < Y) for Birnbaum–Saunders Components: A General Result, Simulations and Real Data Set Applications. Modelling 2024, 5, 223-237.
Taghizadeh Alamdari, N. A Morphological Approach to Identify Respiratory Phases of Seismocardiogram; University of North Dakota: Grand Forks, ND, USA, 2016. [Google Scholar] Castiglioni, P.; Faini, A.; Parati, G.; di Rienzo, M. Wearable Seismocardiography. In Proceedings of the 2007 29th ...
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