This way, a connection to G Satellite is established by XYZ Tile in QGIS 3. To view inside QGIS simply double-click or drag the XYZ Tile service to the layers panel. In the same way you can add the rest of the TMS described at the beginning of this tutorial, for example: G Maps. ...
求助各位大神!!qg..求助各位大神!!qgis里面添加新的Google地图无效,两种方式都不成功,第一种在xyz titles里面添加后不显示任何内容。第二种方法2,3图是通过quickmapservice添加加载新的地图
4) Launch QGIS. Drag the exported Box shapefile into the Map View. Alternatively, you can add it via the Menu Bar: Layer/Add Layer/Add Vector Layer 5) In the Browser panel, right-click on XYZ Tiles to open a new connection. Call the new connection Google Satellite or something similar....
As we know TMS is faster than wms and wmts,but arcgis can't add tms service. In QGIS,we can easily add tms layer,like this。I think that Esri can add this function