RosalindDalefieldBVSc PhD DABVT DABT, inVeterinary Toxicology for Australia and New Zealand, 2017 Xylitol Circumstances of Poisoning Xylitolis anartificial sweetenerthat has no toxic effects in human beings, but is toxic todogs.Dogsmay be fed xylitol-containing foods by owners unaware of the risk...
Global Market Share of USA, Germany, Japan and Australia 70.1% A sugar alcohol called Xylitol is frequently used as a table sugar alternative. Sugar alcohols come from organic foods like fruit and vegetables. Industrial-scale production of Xylitol from wood and maize cob involves converting the pl...
In the past, some countries, including Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Mexico, and Norway, have required manufacturers to include warning labels on packages of maltitol-containing comestibles, since “excessive consumption may have laxative effects.” The FDA has regarded maltitol as a GRAS ...