SUMMARY : Urine volume, urine pH, and urine glucose concentration were monitored for up to 24 hours after physiological saline or one of two dosage levels (0.22 mg/kg or 0.44 mg / kg) of xylazine was administered to cows. During the first 2 hours after xylazine was given. urine output ...
Antagonism of Xylazine and Ketamine Combination Anesthesia by 4-Aminopyridine and Yohimbine in DogsForty-two atropinized dogs of both sexes were given a standard dosage (3.0mg/ kg of body weight) of xylazine subcutaneously and divided ... Masami,TAKEBE - 《Japanese Journal of Veterinary Anesthesiolo...
Cows were observed for response to deep needle pricking, sedation and ataxia. Onset, duration, intensity and extent of analgesia and depth of sedation and ataxia were studied at different dosage. Epidurally administered xylazine (0.04, 0.05, 0.06 and 0.07 mg/kg) induced sedation and selective ...