染色体(chromosome)是遗传物质,基因的载体,人类的常染色体是成对存在的。人体的体细胞染色体数目为23对,其中22对为男女所共有,称为常染色体(autosome);另外一对为决定性别的染色体,男女不同,称为性染色体(sex chromosome),男性为XY,女性为XX。在生殖细胞(generative cell)中,男性生殖细胞染色体的组成:...
在柳属(Salix)中,已经确定了15XY→15ZW的性系统转换,但是性染色体之间的演化关系尚不明确。近日,辰山植物园(中国科学院分子植物科学卓越创新中心辰山科学研究中心)雌雄异株植物研究组在植物学顶级期刊“New Phytologist”(一区TOP,五年影响因子10.5)上发表题为“Gap-free X and Y chromosome assemblies ofSalix arbu...
The incidence of triple Y aneuploidy musí be very low in the population, for no cases were foundin large surveys of consecutive hospital births Failure of transmis- sion of the extra chromosomein subjects with 47,XYY karyotype. Finger-print pattern and the sex chromosomes. An...
The Trojan Y chromosome strategy is one of the most promising methods to eradicate this invasive species. However, obtaining fertile YY supermale (MYY) and YY physiological female (FYY) common carp was thought to be very difficult. The present study focused on the production of androgenetic MYY...
XXXXY Sex-Chromosome Abnormality 来自 Semantic Scholar 喜欢 0 阅读量: 119036 作者: L Atkins 摘要: At least nine males with an XXXXY sexchromosome constitution have been described.1-9 One of these, a nine-year-old boy described by Anders and co-workers,3 had bone marrow cells that ...
Because of its unequivocal symptomatology the 49,XXXXY chromosome aberration has a prominent place among them. Seven new cases of this rare syndrome are described and 79 cases published up to 1972 are reviewed. Frequent symptoms are prenatal dystrophy, marked psychomotor retardation, hypoplastic ...
Method for producing YY super-male and XY physiological female common carps, with which YY-chromosome super-male common carp can be cultivated and androgenetic YY super-male common carp is produced, where microsatellite markers are used for paternity testing and test crossing confirmation. The YY ...
We describe a male subject with 3 Y chromosomes who presented with complaints of lack of sexual desire and failure to achieve rigid erection. The patient was tall and had markedly incurved little fingers on both hands as well as small testes. Karyotype was 48, XYYY. The patient’s parents...
Gileva postulates a mutant suppressor chromosome, X'1', as in the wood lemming, but she supposes that X' Y females segregate X'' and Yin equal numbers; hence they should have X'X°, XY, X°Y and YY offspring in equal numbers, but the YY zygotes are assumed to be inviable. ...