A sustaining beacon of hope for so many of the wounded and embattled teenage fans with whom he often spoke directly via social media. An alleged domestic abuser. The artist born Jaseh Onfroy rose to fame while imprisoned for aggravated battery against his girlfriend at the time, Geneva Ayala...
"XXXTENTACION-hope" is a MIDI music piece, played by Acoustic Grand Piano solo. The total duration of this midi music is 1 minute and 56 seconds, with a total of 954 notes, divided into 2 tracks, and a single tempo of 120bpm. The XXXTENTACION-hope.mid file uses only one instrum...
XXXTENTACION-Sad! 02:51· 9.57 KB XXXTENTACION-Numb 03:12· 8.57 KB XXXTENTACION-hope 01:56· 6.87 KB XXXTENTACION-Ex bitch 02:11· 3.65 KB 超级马里奥3 - 飞行船 02:09· 14.88 KB 超级马里奥3 - BOSS之战 00:41· 6.58 KB ...
XXXTENTACION-Sad! 02:51·9.57 KB XXXTENTACION-Numb 03:12·8.57 KB XXXTENTACION-hope 01:56·6.87 KB XXXTENTACION-Ex bitch 02:11·3.65 KB 超级马里奥3 - 飞行船 02:09·14.88 KB 超级马里奥3 - BOSS之战 00:41·6.58 KB 5.0 等7人已打分...