xxl.job.login.password=123456### 调度中心通讯TOKEN,用于调度中心和执行器之间的通讯进行数据加密,非空时启用xxl.job.accessToken=### 调度中心国际化设置,默认为中文版本,值设置为“en”时切换为英文版本xxl.job.i18n= 步骤二:部署项目 如果已经正确进行上述配置,可将项目编译打包部署。 该工程是一个springboot...
Park any pretensions to seeing this movie for anything other than the dance/stripping scenes like this one, and it does the job just fine. 1. “Magic Mike” (2012)The Steven Soderbergh-directed first film is not only one of the better films on this list, but it also has the best ...
If I’ve done my job well, hopefully someone else out there will realize how cool these things are and come up with an unexpected new place to put them into action.Some credit and referral should be given to this fine document, which uses a similar approach involving overlapping Gaussians....