XVIII Open Cup. GP of Korea KAIST RUN Spring Contest 2018 XIX Open Cup. GP of Korea XIX Open Cup. GP of Daejeon XX Open Cup. GP of Korea Enjoy! Announcement of2020 KAIST 10th ICPC Mock Contest (XXI Open Cup. Grand Prix of Korea. Division 2) ...
Hello! I'm happy to announce XXI Open Cup. Grand Prix of Suwon. Gyeonggi Science High School is located in Suwon, Korea. This contest was used as a Day 9 Contest from Petrozavodsk Winter 2021 Camp.Enter contestContest time: 2021/02/21 Sunday, 17:00 Korea Standard Time (UTC+9). For ...
#pragmaGCC optimize("O3")#include<bits/stdc++.h>usingnamespacestd;#defineSET0(a) memset(a,0,sizeof(a))#defineFOR(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i<=(b);i++)#defineDWN(i,a,b) for(int i=(a);i>=(b);i--)#defineINF 0x3f3f3f3ftypedeflonglongll;constintN=5005;doublef[N][N];...
XXI Opencup, GP of Tokyo 乱做 https://codeforces.com/gym/102978 A. Ascending Matrix 考虑每个值的轮廓线,如果忽略最后一个限制时,就是求从右下到左上的k−1k−1条不穿过路径的条数。做法是把起点和终点平移一下转成不相交然后用 LGV 引理。 现在加上了aR,C=VaR,C=V的限制,那么相当于从下往上...
We passed by factorizingnninO(n−−√)O(n)and then backtracking over all divisors ofn2n2. →Reply mango_lassi 4 years ago,#^| 0 D is just as you said. It doesn't time out. We havea3+b3=(a+b)(a2−ab+b2)a3+b3=(a+b)(a2−ab+b2)so(a+b)(a+b)has to dividen2n2....
XXI Opencup GP of Tokyo By maroonrk, history, 4 years ago, XXI Opencup GP of Tokyo will be held tomorrow. I prepared the problems with the help from hos.lyric. I'll upload the editorial after the contest ends, and also I'll upload the contest to the GYM. Editorial GYM...
The first line contains an integernn(1≤n≤5000)— the number of treasures. The second line containsnnintegersaiai(1≤ai≤109)— the costs of the treasures. Output Output two floating-point numbers: the expected costs of treasures picked by the first and the second pirates. ...
XXI Opencup GP of Tokyo GYM102978 J Pro: https://codeforces.com/gym/102978/problem/J 给一个不递减序列,求 Sol: 首先有个结论. fk(A1,A2...An)=g(Ak+1,Ak+2..An)fk(A1,A2...An)=g(Ak+1,Ak+2..An) 其中fk(x)fk(x)表示恰好kk个取等的答案,g(x)=∑nk=0fi(x)g(x)=∑k=0...
XVIII Open Cup. GP of Korea KAIST RUN Spring Contest 2018 XIX Open Cup. GP of Korea XIX Open Cup. GP of Daejeon XX Open Cup. GP of Korea XXI Open Cup. GP of Korea Enjoy! History Revisions Rev.Lang.ByWhenΔComment en2ko_osaga2021-03-01 13:04:4346 ...
Hello! I'm happy to announce XXI Open Cup: Grand Prix of Weihai, which will be held today. Authors of this contest come from Nanjing University, including gisp_zjz, zyb, sy_chen, Roundgod, calabash_boy, uuzlovetree,love.zy. This contest was also used as China Collegiate Programming ...