male honey bees andantsreceive chromosomes only from the female parent (the Queen). This means that they develop from unfertilized (haploid) eggs and don’t have a father, whereas fertilized (diploid) eggs produce female progeny!
Sex has also been shown to influence the complexity and diversity of gut microbiome populations [30,31,32,33]. Using a panel of over 100 diverse inbred strains of mice, Org et al. identified distinct gut microbial communities in male vs. female mice whose composition was influenced by the p...
We fed male and female XX and XYLdlr−/−mice a Western diet for 4 months to examine effects of sex chromosome genotype on serum lipids and atherosclerosis. To separate the contribution of sex chromosomes and sex hormones, male and female mice of each sex chromosome genotype were either go...
from almost normal female external genitalia with mild clitoromegaly, through ambiguous genitalia, to isolated hypospadias or normal male external genitalia. Indeed, when a 45,X/46,XY karyotype has been found serendipitously on prenatal testing most infants have normal male external genitalia at birth...
Female longevity is observed in humans and much of the animal kingdom, but its causes remain elusive. Using a genetic manipulation that generates XX and XY mice, each with either ovaries or testes, we show that the female XX sex chromosome complement increases survival during aging in male an...
Sex chromosomes and sex chromosome abnormalities 2011, Clinics in Laboratory Medicine Citation Excerpt : However, gender or sexual development can range from male to female to ambiguous when there is a mixture of cell lines with or without the Y chromosome (Table 2). Some rare forms of mosaicism...
Answer to: An individual with XX sex chromosomes is: a. a male b. a female c. red-green colorblind d. impossible to determine without knowing...
The 46,XX disorders of sex development (DSDs) cause virilisation or masculinisation of the female foetus. The final common pathway of all 46,XX DSDs is excess dihydrotestosterone (DHT) or potent foreign androgen in the genital tissue during the critical period of sexual differentiation. Whereas ...
Explain why people with XY-chromosomes are more likely than XX-individuals to have the recessive x-linked single-gene disorders, hemophilia.Answer and Explanation: Hemophelia is a sex-linked disorder that is linked to the female (X) c...
In mice heterozygous at Odsm1, the phenotypic outcome, male, female or hermaphrodite, is determined by a complex interaction of several minor modifying loci. The close proximity of Smad2, Smad7 and Smad4 to D18Mit189/210 provides a potential mechanism through which Odsm1 might act. 展开 ...