XVR1B04-I 4CH Penta-brid 1080N/720P Cooper 1U 1HDD WizSense Digital Video Recorder * The information below only applies to hardware version 2.0 of the product. > 4-channel SMD Plus for analog channels which allows the device to trigger accurate alarms for humans and vehicles. > 4-...
视频 日期筛选 19 中年除了无奈,只剩寂寞了吧,无奈在上有养育之恩未报,下有抚育之恩未完,外有债务未清,挣眼便要劳苦累心,无奈在家境配不上理想,能力配不上野心,感情抵不过命运,回报对不起付出,而沉默呢?不是因为词穷,而是一言难尽,多言难堪啊!活成了一个能说话的哑巴。诸君,万家灯火升炊烟,柴米油盐又一天...
XVR1B04-I 4CH Penta-brid 1080N/720P Cooper 1U 1HDD WizSense Digital Video Recorder * The information below only applies to hardware version 2.0 of the product. > 4-channel SMD Plus for analog channels which allows the device to trigger accurate alarms for humans and vehicles. >4-channel ...