By 1 June 2011 Member States making use of this exemption shall provide a report to the Commission on the availability of asbestos free substitutes for electrolysis installations and the efforts undertaken to develop such alternatives, on the protection of the health of workers in the installations,...
CHAPTER XVII. Esther's Narrative Richard very often came to see us while we remained in London (though he soon failed in...
As ever, a window into a richly envisioned & seriously cool world. It's been pretty fun watching you develop it all bit by bit! Do you reckon you'll be able to show us more of the demographics? No doubt you might well have a map in the wings for that eventually, but it would be...
Kevin ArnoldOpenAura, Founder & CEOKevin Arnold is a San Francisco-based entrepreneur with diverse interests across both the digital and real worlds of music, technology, and culture. He founded San Francisco’s renowned Noise Pop Festival in 1993, and continues today as a partner in the variou...
It was a suppressed pontificate in the person of Cardinal Joseph Siri of Genoa, who was canonically elected in 1958, but immediately overthrown, and was intimidated into keeping silent about his status (as were his cardinals) for 31 years. ...
The two Emperors and their C?sars guarded and repaired the frontiers, at which the strong young nations of the hills and the forests were now gathering3 in ominous4 numbers, while the body of the Empire tranquilly5 pursued its sluggish6 and debilitated7 life. But no sooner had the ...
And then a little silence fell upon everyone. Suddenly the hot-heads realized what they had done. They had gone away from their wooden walls, deep into the unknown wilderness, to meet an enemy four or five times their numbers, and skilled in all the wiles49 and tricks of the forest. Ev...