Updating FF, why did I receive an XULRunner Platform Version '75.0' Error? error: xulrunner version not compatible with firefox 3.6.12 min/maxVersion Server Not Found - Troubleshoot connection problems Firefox can't load websites but other browsers can Troubleshoot Firefox...
Mozilla Firefox, like many other applications, needs to be kept up to date. This can be done manually or, for convenience, automatically. Automatic updates are enabled by default, but they can sometimes cause problems such as theXULRunner Error. This error can be caused by a range of issues...
XULRunner Error / FireFox Will Not Load Since Most Recent Update After the most recent FF update, FF 3.6.6 will not load, citing the error message: "XULRunner / Error: Platform version '' is not compatible with minVersion>= / maxVersion". Tried updating XULRunner with no ...
Gecko是由Mozilla基金会开发的布局引擎的名字。它原本叫作NGLayout。Gecko的作用是读取诸如HTML、CSS、XUL和JavaScript等的网页内容,并呈现到用户屏幕或打印出来。Gecko已经被许多应用程序所使用,包括若干浏览器,例如Firefox、Mozilla Suite、Camino等。 Trouble Shooting ...
很多时候,blend在制作动画时,会自动为对象生成如下代码: <Rectangle Fill="White" Stroke="Black" HorizontalAlignment="Center" VerticalAlignment="Center" Width="300" Height="30" RenderTransformOrigin="0.5,0.5" x:Name="rect"> <Rectangle.RenderTransform> <TransformGroup> <ScaleTrans ...