For less than 1 Day, try to reapply it. If the Xulane patch does not stick completely, apply a new Xulane patch immediately. No back-up contraception is needed and your “Patch Change Day” will stay the same. For more than 1 Day or if you are not sure for how long, you could ...
For less than 1 Day,she should try to reapply it. If the patch does not adhere completely, she should apply a new patch immediately. (No backup contraception is needed and her Patch Change Day will stay the same). For more than 1 Day or if she is not sure for how long,she may no...
No back-up contraception is needed and your “Patch Change Day” will stay the same. o For more than 1 Day or if you are not sure for how long, you could become pregnant. To reduce this chance, apply a new XULANE patch and start a new 4 week cycle. You will now have a new ...