Xue Pan (Chinese: 薛蟠; pinyin: Xūe Pán) is a secondary character in the classic 18th century Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber. He is a ne'er-do-well lout who is guilty of the killing of a man over a beautiful slave girl, Zhen Yinglian, who is renamed as Xiangling (Lotus...
网络潘雪 网络释义 1. 潘雪 花季年华 演职员表 ... 李丹 Dan Li潘雪Xue Pan梁愚 Yu Liang ... movie.mtime.com|基于2个网页
1. LIU Xiang-lian and XUE Pan in A Dream of Red Mansion ——Description Their Character Traits from the Relations Development of the two Persons; 不打不成交的柳湘莲和薛蟠——从二人关系的发展变化看其性格特征2. The Xue family ran away,for Xue Pan connived at one of his servants to beat...
Xue Pan is a secondary character in the classic Chinese novel Dream of the Red Chamber. He is a ne'er-do-well lout who is guilty of the killing of a man over a beautiful slave girl, Zhen Yinglian, who is renamed as Xiangling (Lotus). He has the manslaughter case done over with ...
● 藩 fānㄈㄢˉ◎ 篱笆:~篱。◎ 屏障,保卫:~翰(喻保卫国家的重臣)。◎ 封建时代称属国属地或分封的土地,借指边防重镇:~属。~国。~镇。~邦。削~。称~(自称属国)。笔画数:18,部首:艹,笔顺编号:122441343123425121
薛宝钗的母亲薛姨妈,与贾宝玉的母亲王夫人,即是同出金陵王家的亲姊妹。 在曹雪芹笔下,薛姨妈是慈姨母,带着一双儿女客居贾府的她,不仅在贾母跟前是座上客,贾府很多家宴,都少不了薛姨妈的身影。 想吃颜如玉 薛蟠xue一声pan二声 2022-04赞 回复@想吃颜如玉 表情0/300发表评论 其他用户评论 1392080taht 是夏金桂...
网络释义 1. 潘明雪 施岩(Yan Shi);敖锟(Kun Ao);潘明雪(Ming-Xue Pan);左振华(Zhen-Hua Zuo);吉豪杰(Hao-Jie Ji);李鸿鹏(Hong-Peng Li)Journal Ti… www.airiti.com|基于 1 个网页
SUMMARYAunt Xue learns that Xue Pan killed a waiter at a bar by smashing a cup against his head for making eyes at Jiang Yu-han (Bijou). She sends Xue Ke five hundred taels to tip the staff at the magistrate’s court, hire a scrivener to draft an appeal, and bribe the witnesses. ...