Classification of the rock mass and its application in mining engineering : Xu Bing; Li Yurui Proc International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Buenos Aires, 20–25 October 1986 V1, P171–175. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1986...
论容貌应该是yuruisa_chan小姐姐了吧,论才华应该是初中同桌。…阅读全文 赞同513 条评论 分享收藏喜欢赞同了回答2024-11-19 16:24 你什么时候觉得中国强大了? 呆弟小铭 平生所愿:唯务雕虫,专工翰墨,皓首穷经,清谈自乐。 10后的小外甥,妹妹一家带着去了一趟悉尼、墨尔本,回来让他...
Study on rock mass structure and the rock slope stability : Li Yurui; Xu Bing Proc 5th International Congress International Association of Engineering Geology, Buenos Aires, 20–25 October 1986 V1, P29–33. Publ Rotterdam: A A Balkema, 1986...