Cheng, T. Xu in Biomacromolecules Sep 21 2017 Sub-20 nm Stable Micelles Based on a Mixture of Coiled-Coils: A Platform for Controlled Ligand Presentation J. Ang, D. Ma, B.T. Jung, S. Keten, T. Xu in Biomacromolecules Dec 3 2017 Preventing Thin Film Dewetting via Graphene Capping P....
Bei Cheng receives travel grant from The University of South Carolina in supporting her travel to the ACS 244th National Meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, August 19-23, 2012, (06/18/12) Dr. Xu receives support from the ASPIRE-I (Advanced Support Programs for Innovative Research Excellence...
Shenzhen. He received his PhD degree from the University of Pennsylvania. He worked at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) for years and joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong subsequently. In the August of 2013, Professor Xu was appointed the first ...
SHAOYUN XU (Registration #4094686) is an attorney in Hong Kong admitted in the Second Judicial Department (seated in Brooklyn) of New York State in 2003, registered with the Office of Court Administration (OCA) of New York State Unified Court System. T