XTS模式则通过引入Tweak key与AES key配合使用来解决上述问题。在各个数据块的加密解密过程中,虽然使用同样的AES key,但Tweak key却不同,通常与数据块的索引相关联。这样一来,各个数据块的加密解密过程就相互独立了。综上所述,相比于ECB和CBC模式,XTS模式解决了两个问题:一是确保相同的数据块加密后产生不同...
類型: WindowsTenEncryptionMethod 接受的值: AesXts128, AesXts256, AesCbc128, AesCbc256 Position: Named 預設值: None 必要: False 接受管線輸入: False 接受萬用字元: False-ForceWildcardHandling此參數會處理通配符,並可能導致非預期的行為 (不建議) 。 您無法將其與 DisableWildcardHandling 結合。 展開...
AES-XTS Multi-Booster The AES-XTS Multi-Booster crypto engine includes a generic & scalable implementation of the AES algorithm making the solution suitable for a wide range of low-cost & high-end applications (including key, tweak, input and output registers and Galois field multiplier). This ...
The Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) is a specification for the encryption of electronic data established by the U.S National Institute of Standards ...
Tipo: WindowsTenEncryptionMethod Valores aceptados: AesXts128, AesXts256, AesCbc128, AesCbc256 Posición: Named Valor predeterminado: None Requerido: False Aceptar entrada de canalización: False Aceptar caracteres comodín: False-ForceWildcardHandlingEste...
General Description LAN security standard IEEE 802.1ae (MACSec) uses AES cipher in the GCM mode, while the disk/tape encryption standard IEEE P1619 uses the XEX/XTS mode. Since GCM and XEX/XTS share some of their basic components, a combo GCM/XEX/XTS core is not much larger than a ...