TaskFunction_t pxTaskCode,/* 指向任务函数的指针,类型为 void (*TaskFunction_t)( void * ) */constchar*constpcName,/* 任务名,最大长度为 configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN */constuint16_tusStackDepth,/* 任务堆栈大小,单位:字(注意,单位不是字节) */void*constpvParameters,/* 传递给任务函数的参数,若...
int16_t g_Param; // 创建任务并传递全局变量的地址 xTaskCreate( task_Param, "taskParam", 128, (void *)&g_Param, osPriorityNormal+1, &task_Param_TaskHandle ); 在任务函数中,需要对传递的参数进行类型转换,并使用这些参数。 void task_Param(void *params) { while(1) { if(*(int16_t*)para...
BaseType_t xTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pvTaskCode, const char * const pcName, configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE usStackDepth, void * pvParameters, UBaseType_t uxPriority, TaskHandle_t * pxCreatedTask ); pvTaskCode: 指向任务函数的指针,任务函数是任务执行时调用的函数。 pcName: 指向任务名称的字符串指针...
1.xTaskCreate()函数:BaseType_txTaskCreate( TaskFunction_t pvTaskCode, const char * const pcName, configSTACK_DEPTH_TYPE usStackDepth, esp32 rmt红外接收 嵌入式 单片机 堆栈 句柄 转载 ganmaobuhaowan 3月前 89阅读 MX6UL freertos过程分析
When this function quits "eventData" is no longer valid, because is destroyed/reused by low level API. You can copy the value before you pass it to task. 2 posts • Page1of1 Return to “ESP-IDF 中文讨论版” Jump to Who is online ...
TaskHandle_t xTestTask;/* Demonstrate the use of the xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle() and xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle() functions. Also try using the function that sets the task number. */xIdleTaskHandle = xTaskGetIdleTaskHandle(); xTimerTaskHandle = xTimerGetTimerDaemonTaskHandle();/* Th...
FRTOS1_vTaskStartScheduler(); } 开发者ID:GuilhermeRamalhoSilva,项目名称:mcuoneclipse,代码行数:31,代码来源:Application.c 示例2: APP_Run ▲点赞 7▼ voidAPP_Run(void){ appState = APP_STATE_INIT; MOT_Init(); SHELL_Init();#ifPL_HAS_LINE_SENSORREF_Init(); ...
void(*MainPtr)(void*); MainPtr = (void(*)(void*))(FunctionAddr) ;//FunctionAddr is the Address of start of code from external source in IRAMMainPtr(NULL);//Execute code If this works, then maybe try to use some hack and call it from within a task created with xTaskCreate?
也有同学表示叫做“列表解析”或“列表表达式”。都是一个意思,其实在写这课之前,我从来都 ...
I edited the "task" function so that initialization depends on the arguments passed. Code: Select all wiegand_data_t data = *(wiegand_data_t *)arg; printf("D0 = %d, D1 = %d\n", data.d0, data.d1); // Initialize reader ESP_ERROR_CHECK(wiegand_reader_init(&reader, data.d0, da...