The <xsl:when> children of the <xsl:choose> element are tested, in order from top to bottom, until a test attribute on one of these elements accurately describes conditions in the source data, or until an <xsl:otherwise> element is reached. Once an <xsl:when> or <xsl:otherwise> ...
Thexsl:chooseelement is used to make a choice when there are two or more possible courses of action. It provides a means for conducting multiple conditions testing. Thexsl:chooseelement must contain one or morexsl:whenelements and can contain only one optionalxsl:otherwiseelement (which must occ...
The <xsl:choose> element allows you to test for multiple conditions. Select Insert > XSLT Objects > Multiple Conditional Region or click the Multiple Conditional Region icon in the XLST category of the Insert panel. In the Multiple Conditional Region dialog box, enter the first condition. In ...
Child elements xsl:otherwise, xsl:when Remarks The <xsl:when> children of the <xsl:choose> element are tested in order from top to bottom until a test attribute on one of these elements accurately describes conditions present in the source data or an <xsl:otherwise> element is reached. Once...
MultipleOutputExcluded MultiplyMember MultiplyMemberFormula MultiScaleImage MultiView MuteMicrophone MutuallyExclusiveCheckBox 貝氏機率 NamedSet 命名空間 NamespaceInternal NamespacePrivate NamespaceProtected NamespacePublic NamespaceSealed NamespaceShortcut NamespaceSnippet NavigateElement NavigateExternalInlineNoHalo Nav...
By default, the command will use English as the letter language. To test another language, just append@and the language code to the filename. Example: test filename.xml@nn You can even test multiple languages in one go by specifying multiple language codes separated by comma like so: ...
It allows you to specify a series of conditions. When one is satisfied, the corresponding HTML template is output.<TR> <xsl:attribute name="STYLE">color: <xsl:choose> <xsl:when test="price[. $le$ 25]">green</xsl:when> <xsl:when test="price[. $le$ 50]">blue</xsl:when> <xsl...
When you open an XSL-FO document – where the document element isrootin the XSL-FO namespace – oXygen will automatically validate the document against both the Relax NG schema and the Schematron grammar. 'Antenna House' external FO processor ...
However, when it came to positive emotion, we did not have the ability to compare users who completed any number of assessments with users who completed none. It is still possible (perhaps even likely) that our sample was not representative of the overall user base in terms of well-being ...
Fixed a display problem after changing frame orientation under certain conditions; Fixed a problem of Z-Order property when multiple blocks are selected; Fixed an issue with incorrectly relocated Table and Address frames; Fixed an exception if browser preview window is no longer accessible under ...