(which must occur after all of thexsl:whenelements). If thexsl:chooseelement only contains onexsl:whenelement, then for all practical purposes, it behaves just like thexsl:ifelement. When faced with three or more choices, these elements behave similar to an if-then-else statement (or a ...
</xsl:if>You must surround string values such as true in quotes. Dreamweaver encodes the quotes for you (') so that they are entered as valid XHTML.In addition to testing nodes for values, you can use any of the supported XSLT functions in any conditional statement. The condition is...
Uses the functionality of an IF-THEN-ELSE statement. The syntax for the decode function is: decode(expression, search, result [,search, result]...[, default])expression is the value to compare.search is the value that is compared against expression.result is the value returned, if expression...
For example, if you had more than one employee in your XML document, and you wanted to loop through all the managers, you could use a statement such as this: <xsl:for-each select="employee[title='Manager']"> ... </xsl:for-each> Variables The variable command provides a way to se...
Here is a pure XPath solution - 7 lines well-formatted expression: let $ranges := /*/*/*, $starts := $ranges/xs:integer(substring-before(. || '-', '-')), $ends := $ranges/xs:integer(if(contains(., '-')) then substring-after(., '-') else .) return every . . . Read...
else return cfgElement.InnerText ; } //判断字符串是否是空白字符串 bool isBlankString(string strText ) { if(strText != null) { int iCount; for(iCount=0;iCount<strText.Length ;iCount++) { if(System.Char.IsWhiteSpace ( strText[iCount])==false) ...
If you want to transform XML from one format to another, and especially if either the input or output XML is complicated or the transformation itself is difficult or awkward to express, then XSL may be a good choice. XSL is the eXtensible Stylesheet Language; a family of three W3C ...
("BuildDirectoryTree", di.FullName); if(fsi.GetType() == typeof(FileInfo)) { FileInfo fi = (FileInfo)fsi; TreeNode tn = AddFileNode(fi, tnParent); } else { DirectoryInfo subDi = (DirectoryInfo)fsi; TreeNode tn = AddDirNode(subDi, tnParent); BuildDirectoryTree(subDi, tn); } ...
xsl,导出报告(共8篇).docx,xsl,导出报告(共8篇) 大数量据导出设计 1导出方法设计思路有以下几点 1、导出数据的格式采用CSV或者可转换xls的htm格式 2、控制一次最大的导出数量,如果超过上限分多次导出。 3、从数据库中读取数据后不放入集合类的容器,而是直接使用IO写入本地