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The information on the amount of XRP locked in escrow was as of December 2017 and has been updated to 38 BXRP as of October 2024. https://xrpl.services/xrpl-statistics
The username will be assosiated with your address on the bithomp explorer and in third-party services which use bithomp API. After the registration it will become public - anyone will be able to see it. Your XRPL address will be accessable by: https://xrplexplorer.com/explorer/username The...
Dokonując subskrypcji, autoryzujesz wykonywanie płatności cyklicznych na rzecz firmy Microsoft w wybranych przez siebie odstępach czasu, aż do anulowania. Aby zatrzymać naliczanie opłat, anuluj subskrypcję na swoim koncie Microsoft (account.microsoft.com/services) lub na ...
This week on Developer Reflections, we’re proud to highlight ChiSpend , an e-commerce infrastructure app that enables users to purchase real-world products and services using digital assets and dapps. Read More Release Notes Mar 14, 2023 Introducing XRP Ledger version 1.10.0 Version 1.10.0 of...
ONLINE information servicesLIBRARIESINFORMATION servicesPUBLIC librariesTECHNICAL services (Libraries)LIBRARY resourcesLOS Angeles Public LibraryThe article reports that the Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) now offers wireless access to the Internet and all of...
长城新媒体XR访谈区。 9月6日,2021中国国际数字经济博览会正式拉开帷幕。众多世界500强、国际知名IT企业、数字经济类"独角兽"等企业云集。在充满了"黑科技"的8号馆,长城新媒体展区XR访谈区通过XR虚拟现实技术构建沉浸式的场景,对话知名企业家。专注于数字经济服务的傲林科技有限公司董事长刘震,来到长城XR访谈区,带来...
Get tailored discounts, services, and tools for your business stage. Grow with curated benefits offered by the free Alibaba.com Membership, whether you are a small business needing the essentials to start sourcing or a well-established ...
9月6日,2021中国国际数字经济博览会在石家庄(正定)国际会展中心正式开幕。 当日上午,华为技术有限公司副总裁周跃峰做客长城新媒体XR访谈直播间,分享在本次数博会上华为技术有限公司带来的科技成果,畅谈与河北产业合作的心得体会。 华为技术有限公司副总裁周跃峰做客长城新媒体XR访谈直播间。
就好像iPhone SE二代一样,iPhone XR在发布之初曾经“收获”大量差评,尤其是在那个鼓吹全面屏的时刻,其粗大的边框简直成为集中火力的重点。但是,实际的销量数据足以让这部分人大跌眼镜,iPhone XR更加是2019年最火的智能手机之一。凭啥?就凭当时就算国产手机都匮乏的四个产品特点。