coinbasepro 货币 CAD NO.5货币 | PanteraCapital 投资 | CA$3.22+CA$0.05657 +1.79 % 实时数据 · 09:49:32 CA$3.4324H最高 CA$2.6924H最低 CA$5.45历史最高 CA$0.00397历史最低 16,518,784,476.8524H成交量 CA$37,484,425,734.8624H成交额 ...
In comparison, DigitalCoin believes that XRP's high price point will reach $0.62 by the final quarter of 2019. While this is something that . is agreed upon by a number of financial forecasts and analysts, there are websites out there that . provide a far more optimistic view of XRP. E...