Command: _AecExportToAutoCAD2010Binding Xref "X24148S"...Error: At least one of the specified xrefs failed to bind for an unknown reason.ERROR: Xref-Bind failed (eWasOpenForWrite)ERROR: could not process Xrefs! The drawing has only 1 xref, I copied the objects, made a new drawing, purge...
You will need to explode/remove or convert/dumb-down those objects first like, but you'll have to explain what is important to you in your files and what is not.TIA As stated multiple times in my post, this is in AutoCAD using AutoCAD commands and why I'm writing in the AutoCAD ...
01-28-2019 06:25 am hi, if you are not using cameras for ga views then try selecting the xref before clicking on the drawing style. normally you must select any autocad elements you want to include before selecting the style. also there are known issues with xrefs that contain blocks...
I have found 56 proxy elements in the xref, I cannot delete. Can this cause the problem? And how can I delete proxy elements? I can select them via properties, but I don't see them. AutoCAD prompts to delete 56 proxies... but when I search again i find 56 proxy again Report 0...
"viewports" do not autoupdate in AutoCAD, never have, sorry if you thought it did otherwise. Report 0 Likes Reply Message 8 of 14 dbanaszak in reply to: dbanaszak 08-05-2024 01:46 PM Because I wanted to see the effect the changes would have. There's a lot more going...
Layer Error while binding XREF's Anonymous Not applicable 09-18-2017 02:21 AM Hello, when I bind (insert) some XREF's in a model, the XREF-layers disappear (the layers in all models have the same names). But sometimes I get a strange error: A lot of " 'No Layers " with...