1.7 X射线光谱 X-ray and X-ray Spectrum X光衍射分析 X光衍射分析是表征包括液晶在内的结晶性聚合物的重要手段。 借助X射线衍射仪,利用微晶对X射线的衍射效应,获得试样的衍射图---衍射强度与衍射角的关系图。 X射线衍射图 衍射强度: 从衍射图可以获得的信息 判定 2. 晶体结构的基本概念 七个晶系的晶格参数 ...
XRD Spectrum of conichalcite exhibits the crystal structure as orthorhombic with cell constants a=7.38A.U, b=9.20A.U and c=5.84A.U. EPR Spectrum explains the magnetic nature of Copper ions present in Conichalcite. The ground state of Cu (II) ion in conichalcite is confirmed 2B1g since...
2) XRD spectrum XRD图谱3) X-ray diffraction Fourier pattem XRD指纹图谱4) XRD XRD谱 1. The physical and chemical processes were analyzed using XRD, TG-DTA, IR. 35CuxFe2O4纳米粉末,在不同温度下进行热处理,测定其磁性能;对NiFe2O4纳米粉末,测定XRD谱、TG-DTA曲线和红外吸收光谱,分析其物理...
XRD spectrumXRD图谱 3)X-ray diffraction Fourier pattemXRD指纹图谱 4)XRDXRD谱 1.The physical and chemical processes were analyzed using XRD, TG-DTA, IR.35CuxFe2O4纳米粉末,在不同温度下进行热处理,测定其磁性能;对NiFe2O4纳米粉末,测定XRD谱、TG-DTA曲线和红外吸收光谱,分析其物理、化学过程;测定其红...
•1.X射线的产生及其性质•2.晶体结构的基本概念•3.测量原理•4.X光衍射在聚合物中的应用 10/20/202012:42PMXRD 2 1.X射线及其性质 10/20/202012:42PM XRD 3 1.1X射线的发现 •1895年,德国物理学家伦琴(W.C.Rontgen)发现•并很快以“论一种新射线”为题发表论文公之于世。•因此成为第...
Energy spectrum resolution <25% Packaging and delivery Selling Units: Single item Single package size: 75X52X115 cm Single gross weight: 160.000 kg Show more Lead time Samples Maximum order quantity: 1 piece Sample price: $36,100.00/piece ...
第43卷 第4期2004年8月复旦学报(自然科学版)JournalofFudanUniversity(NaturalScience)Vol.43No.4Aug.2004图2XRD图谱Fig.2 XRDspectrums(a)XRDpatternofPt/CfromJohnsonMattheyCompany;(b)patternsofPtRu/CtreatedatdifferenttemperatureO──PtRu;■──Ru;3──C.1:300;2:400;3:450;4:500;5:800;6:900℃...
2,10;21734.42.6076522026.7352页/共54页第53页/共54页复习题查阅文献1篇(XRD分析试样的物相);或自己的XRD实验结果;试进行物相分析Point out the low and high energy ends of the electromagnetic spectrum, from long wavelengths of light at 10^-5 cm-1 (radio waves) to 10^9 cm-1 (x-ray energy)....
Functions such as peeling, full spectrum fitting, peak selection fitting, half width and grain size calculation, crystal cell determination, second-class stress calculation, diffraction line indexing, multiple plotting, 3D plotting, diffraction data calibration, background subtraction, standar...