oxygen groups attached to carbon such as carbonyl (CO), carboxyl (COOH), hydroxyl (COH), epoxy (COC) and a lot of water molecules, which can be quantitatively and qualitatively described by the XPS (from evaluation of the C 1s and O 1s XPS spectra) [23] and by the FTIR spectroscopy....
Figure 3. Raman spectra of: (a) GOs, rGO and graphites, (b) rGOs obtained using different reducing agents and microwave treatment (MWT). Table 2. The position, full-width at half maximum (FWHM) values and intensity ratios of D, G and 2D modes of Raman spectra recorded from graphite...
The composition information of macromolecular functional groups of coal can be obtained by analyzing the FTIR spectra of coal. 13C NMR technology provides connection information on basic structural units for the establishment of coal’s molecular skeleton structure. The use of spectroscopy to ...
To complement the analysis on the XANES spectra, an independent pre-edge data treatment was performed at the Fe K-edge. The pre-edge region was fitted with a sum of Gaussian functions by first subtracting a spline function background to the normalized spectra, defined by selecting an appropriat...
UV–visible spectra of sample solutions were recorded in 1 cm quartz cells at a scan speed of 40 nm·min−1. The absorbance and absorption maximum wavelength of PEDOTs, PEDOT_Naphs, PEDOT_SPAESs and SPAESs in their solutions of DMF, DMAc, DMSO, and NMP (concentration of 0.1% w/w)...
As can be seen, only stretching modes of metal–oxygen (M–O) vibrations can be observed at approximately 820 cm−1, and in the range of 625–430 cm−1 in the FTIR spectra of all three samples. These absorption bands correspond to the vibration of the Fe–O, Bi–O, or Bi–O–...