The evolution of peak broadening for deformation's ratio is compared to evolution of the yield strength R0.2% obtained by macroscopic mechanical tests with variable angle to the rolling direction, for a simulation of drawing behavior. It may be noted that the peak broadening has good linear ...
For handling of large quantities of data 4 GB of RAM is recommended. Minimum configuration The minimal PC configuration to run the software can be found on the Microsoft Internet site: Windows 7 Windows XP The software is delivered on a DVD (drive required) or as an electronic update. ...
6). To measure them, the experimental uncertainty of the wavevector transfer q should be substantially smaller than the intrinsic peak width. The q-resolution of our XRD tomography setup will be quite low compared to that of dedicated lab diffractometers, hence our reconstructed patterns will be...
X’PertHighScore(Plus)界面总览 菜单栏 工具栏 MainGraphicsPane主图形窗口 状态栏 AdditionalGraphicsPane辅助图形窗口 ListPane列表窗口 X’PertHighScore(Plus)软件应用 1、物相鉴定篇 HighScore(Plus)之物相鉴定篇-物相鉴定步骤 通常进行物相鉴定有以下步骤:1、确定背景2、寻峰3、数据涨落校正4、物相鉴定 HighScore(...
TheGaussianpeakshapeprofile(G)isdescribedbythefollowingequation: where: Co=4In2 Stress→d值变化 Crystallintesize→倒点阵阵点大小的变化 Hkisthefullwidthathalfmaximum(FWHM)oftheBraggreflectionK=(h,k,D).Itrelatedtothe instrumentalbroadeningin,(describedbytheparametersU,VandW)viatheCaqliotiequation.Iflatti...
The evolution of peak broadening for deformation's ratio is compared to evolution of the yield strength R0.2% obtained by macroscopic mechanical tests with variable angle to the rolling direction, for a simulation of drawing behavior. It may be noted that the peak broadening has good linear ...
XRD简介(英文)Optical related technology X-ray Diffraction Abstract:X-ray diffraction (XRD) technology is widely used in materials characterization. Identify chemistry constituents of the product, analyze the space group, lattice parameter and etc. In this article, I will introduce the principle of ...
2): i) application of numerical background through the use of an advanced peak model and new optimization algorithm; ii) one step calculation of the full parameter set of the starting model; iii) correction of preferred orientations and anisotropic peak broadening; and iv) application of ...
The relative fraction of constituent phases was pragmatically defined as the ratio between the maximum peak heights for constituent phases. This practically defined phase fraction will be referred to as a height fraction, which approximated neither the weight nor the molar fraction. However, the weight...
The other aspect of the time ratio is that you need to know your trace element or your trace phases. If you are only looking for major and minor, then that is going to determine the length of diffraction time. Up to a point, the longer you go the better peak and background you are...