The XRD pattern of the synthesized powder confirmed the formation of single-phase LiDyO2. From the TG-DTA study it was observed that the decomposition of Li2CO3 starts at 740.9°C and the reaction between Li2CO3 and Dy2O3 starts at 750°C. The XRD analysis confirmed that mass loss observed...
_chemical_name_structure_type Li2CO3 _exptl_crystal_density_diffrn 2.1 _citation_title ; Crystal structure of (Lix K1-x)2 (C O3) (x= 0, 0.43, 0.5, 0.62, 1) by neutron powder diffraction analysis ; loop_ _citation_id _citation_journal_full _citation_year _citation_journal_volume _citati...